Principal Biomechanist
Dr. Powell has a PhD in Biomechanics and Sports Medicine from the University of Tennessee as well as bachelor’s and master’s degrees from East Carolina University in Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics, respectively. He received further training in neurological injury and disease through a research fellowship in the Department of Physical Therapy at Creighton University. In addition to his academic training, Dr. Powell has completed additional training in the areas of biomedical engineering and accident reconstruction from the University of Memphis and the SAE International, respectively.
Dr. Powell has over 15 years of experience performing clinical and computational biomechanics research which has resulted in over 90 publications (peer-reviewed papers, technical reports and book chapters), more than 250 research abstracts and over 100 research presentations at regional, national and international conferences. As an expert witness, Dr. Powell has provided expert opinion pertaining to the biomechanics of injury in civil and criminal cases involving a variety of injury mechanisms including sport-related injury, slips, falls, suspected child abuse, assault and motor vehicle accidents. In these cases, he has provided written opinion and testimony at deposition and trial.